Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's a Wrap - Christmas 2011

So it Begins.

The weekend after Thanksgiving, we bought a tree...

and decorated it. 

Penny didn't hesitate to snuggle up underneath the small branches. 

and with the pup perfectly placed, why not take a picture?

okay this was our 10th picture, Pen kept laying down

The tree was up, our picture taken and December was officially here! Needless to say, our spirits were definitely high; especially since we had our first overnight visitor...

Emily and I at the Greensboro Christmas Tree lighting event!

After thinking long and hard over the next week, Taylor and I opted out of gift giving to family back in Texas, which to our surprise was a little bit of a let-down. It took me less than a few hours to shop for Taylor and I was officially done for the holidays. NEVER thought I would be so sad by this quick and easy shopping experience. However, with the extra money to spare we decided to give to Advent Conspiracy.  They are a great organization and I highly recommend considering them if you’re looking for something to give too. 

Christmas Eve. 

Time for baking...


 The final product.
Yes, they are as good as they look! :)

Leaving for the Christmas Eve service!

Christmas Day.

Well, I'm not sure why but I didn't take many, I mean ANY, pictures of our Christmas morning. I did however snap this photo of Penny when I finally found her!!!

Other Christmas events included: placing pictures from Christmas cards on the fridge - thanks to everyone who sent us one! Watching It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol. Fun holiday drinks. Receiving Papa's Remington calendar. Attempt my first holiday ham. Staying up waaaayy too late, the dollar theater and many walks in the neighborhood. 

We definitely missed spending time with both families this holiday season but overall it was a very merry Christmas for Taylor and me.  2011 - It's a wrap.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving in a Nutshell

Although our Thanksgiving numbers were narrowed down to two 
this year, that did not stop Taylor and I from feasting!

Preparing the meal without others around gave me a sense of ownership over the holiday. 
This independence is new to me, because growing up I always had a bandwagon to jump on. And now, with a whole day of cooking behind me, it felt wonderful to celebrate with Taylor!

Can't forget Penny!

After a big meal, we set out the next day for the foothills at Morrow Mountain. We decided it might 
be fun to go camping on one of the last “warmer” weekends.  

Highs: 60's  Lows: 30's

Well, we arrived a little late due to us forgetting our tent! So we drove ALL the way back home! Who forgets their tent when camping!?

Because we arrived so late, the next morning we realized we were at the worst campsite around. We were surrounded by RV's and lights all night. So we moved campsites the quick way: 

Smokey Foothills
On our 4 mile hike... fallen trees everywhere.

 Hunter, the small boy below, hung out with us nearly all day. He made his way to our campsite 
in the morning, met Penny and the rest is history. Apparently his parents knew where 
he was the whole time but we think he was lying to us so he could stay... I know Penny didn't mind.  Chatting up a storm with Penny about tricks and being a good dog, Hunter was very neighborly.

Happy Thanksgiving!