Penny turns 2 years old this week; which also means we have had
her for officially one year! Queuing the cliché lines… My, how time flies; Time flies when you're having fun; Time flies like an arrow
our first family photo |
Doesn’t it though? Time. It passes so quickly. Taylor and I realized this weekend we have officially been in Greensboro for 3 months! Wow. It feels like yesterday we loaded up the truck and drove East. Seems barely months have passed since we got married; And, despite my misconception with time, I feel like we've had Penny our entire lives. So, until lil' human monsters consume our every seconds, I will not waste my time in giving Penny the utmost attention, like a princess. Hints to this ridiculously cute poster I made (because I had free time!) :
Maybe Taylor will hang it in the doggy area at work!? :) I have no doubt the staff will love on Penny and treat her
royally allllll day (like they usually do.)
The update on Taylor and me:
Taylor and I are great. After the holidays, it took us a
while to finally get back into a routine. Staying up late and sleeping-in is a
wonderful feeling on lazy, usually cold and rainy, days. (Side note: It rains ALL the time, and the weird part, I have yet to hear thunder. I guess you CAN have rain showers and it not always be a thunderstorm.) However, weather aside, it is back to work we go.
Taylor was promoted to Project Manager (starting early
Spring.) It was suppose to start January 1st but with a few technicalities
and rearranging of projects the position was pushed back. Taylor is thrilled! He has officially
moved into his own office and is looking forward to learning and growing into
the new position. The job will require traveling so we’re curious how that will
shift our routine, but overall, I couldn’t be more proud of him.
Etsy is going really well! By 'well' I mean, I’m without a doubt enjoying the time I put into LuckePenny. I
absolutely love accomplishing and creating new things all week! Last week I sat down, ran through all the numbers, and totaled up cost put into LuckePenny. I was a little nervous with the receipts stacking up, but after calculating everything, I was pleasantly surprised at how well things were going. I was able to set goals for 2012 and am praying that I can continue to run
LuckePenny! I understand my plan may take time to reach but I am ready to be accretive and confident in them. If you know of anyone looking for baby gifts or is having a little one, don't hesitate to share my
link! :)
In other news, Taylor and I finally decided on a church! We're attending Grace Community. Close to 1,000+
in attendance, this is small compared the other churches we have been apart of over the past several years. We're both excited to be apart of Grace and already love the atmosphere and the people. Taylor and I both felt unexpectedly refreshed at the idea that we could not only know people on staff but also know their hearts behind leading the church.
I started attending a women’s bible study on Thursday mornings
with about 50 or so other women. The ages range from mid 20s to 50s? Which I
love! We are currently going through The Amazing Collection: a study that goes
through the Old Testament 1 book at a time. The women there are incredibly nice and do NOT hold back on warm welcomes.
Taylor joined a men’s bible study last week. They meet on Wednesdays,
6:30am (waaaay too early in my opinion!) at a nearby coffee shop. He really likes the men there and told me he’ll
go back next Wednesday.
We are excited about our new church and the people we’ll
meet there (and have already met.) Needless to say, we can’t wait to see what God
has in store for us.
That about covers it. No big news for now. Taylor and I are just settling into our new life in Greensboro! Can't believe it's already been 3 months... My, how times flies.