Friday, June 8, 2012

Over the Moon for Mulberries

Thanks to my dear friend Shelley, I now know that our back-deck was NOT covered with blackberries but rather filled with mulberries.  

For weeks, I’ve doubted that blackberries grow on trees but had no other explanation for this “phenomenon.” (Not to mention it's difficult to distinguish tree from vine around here.) I knew the berries on my back-deck were slightly different from blackberries you would find in the store, but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. The berries were black, juicy and tasted berry-like. Of course, turning to google in my confusion would only make sense, but I was too busy for that.
Where they were falling from.
Vine or Tree?

For about two and half weeks I was canning, freezing, making pies, jams, cobblers, anything I could think of! My days were now consumed with berries. 

The berries were falling at such a rapid pace that I was picking close to 8 cups a day for about 6 days straight! To put in prospective how large of an amount this is, 2 cups of berries makes approximately 3 (8oz.) jars of jam! That's 16 jars a day for 6 days!!! There is NO way I could accomplish or afford 96 jars of jam! However, I couldn’t let these precious berries go to waste (whatever they were!) Here are some pictures from our two week adventure with mulberries

Penny loved following me... maybe she thought she was helping :)

Oh yeah, she LOVES mulberries too! 

Lots and lots of mulberries!

Overall, I believe I was able to make four cobblers and can over 26 (big and small) jars of mulberry jelly!  I can’t wait until next year when the mulberries begin to fall again! I think it’s safe to say, I’m over the moon for mulberries!