Over the past couple of weeks, I realized I have not
answered many of your questions about our move; why we moved? How Taylor and I
were doing? His job? My work? and what spurred everything on…
So, I wanted to take a few moments and honestly explain how
we got to North Carolina and where our hearts were during the time of deciding...
Blue Ridge Mountains |
Short Version:
Taylor got a job, we were ready for adventure and what better than this season of life!?
Long Version:
First let me start with, Taylor and I considered leaving Austin during our first few months of marriage. We tossed the idea around thinking it would provide us with the space needed to figure out “married life.” Plus, what better than having a great adventure when you’re newly married!? It wasn’t a set plan in our minds but was most definitely a consideration. I understand for many of our friends “figuring out married life” seems a bit excessive and for others who are older it may appear admirable yet pretentious. Nevertheless, we prayed about it and the answer was no.
In late summer, we came back to the topic in light of events
that took place in the past six months or
so. After seeing situations play out (most for good) yet a growing
tiredness in both Taylor and I, conversations about our busyness,
relationships, being young and current commitments slowly started coming up
between us.
We gathered, we were too busy, our relationships were not
bearing fruit, and we didn’t know how to make wise commitments. We were saying,
“Yes” to things that didn’t align with our goals in marriage. The shocking part?
These commitments are things considered beneficial to one’s life. (i.e. family,
friends, community group, serving others, etc.) The problem was never these groups;
it was us.
As we began to pray about our second year in marriage, we
both felt a peace about leaving Austin. We knew we needed to make adjustments whether here or
elsewhere. Not to mention, just the thought of the opportunity to have an excursion
with each other was so thrilling!
Fearless One |
Taylor then contacted a company held in high regard by his
pervious employer and asked if there were any opportunities available. To our surprise, they set-up an
interview a couple weeks out. Taylor at this point had been with his previous
employer for a little over a year and absolutely loved the people and
environment; it would be hard to leave. So we prayed that if we didn’t have a
peace about this new company then he would not accept any offers. Obviously,
since we’re in North Carolina, you can conclude that the interview went well
and Taylor felt very welcomed. (We all know Penny LOVES his new job!)
Now, Taylor and I both
understand that North Carolina does not fix our “Yes” problem and are aware
that we CAN have healthy boundaries in Austin. We also, without a doubt know we
are not running from the fear of saying “No.”
As we continued to pray about this, there seemed to be
calmness when relating the move in all areas of our lives. We never pictured the
move as a fix but more as a given opportunity to enhance our circumstances as we
pursue the good in our marriage. Then, when sharing the news with family, friends
and small group, their overwhelming support helped confirm the peace we had.
The part that took us off guard was how fast we had to move.
We had two weeks to pack up and make the move East. I know for a lot of our
friends we didn’t feel as though we had time to share the news and say goodbye
but it’s all a part of the journey. We know we will be back to visit soon;
besides with how world connects over social media, I am sure we don’t feel too
far at all!
We couldn’t be more energized about this new season in life
as Taylor and I learn to grow as a couple. We have a big adventure awaiting us
and we are eager to take the next couple of steps! We are young with no chick-a-dees, and LOVE to explore. We
recently took our first loooong hike in the Blue Ridge and Taylor has already planned
our next camping trip in the mountains! Not forgetting his excitement in
growing a full bread for winter – truly “The Grizz!” :) Personally, I cannot wait
to embrace this opportunity at a fresh start! Taylor is the perfect teammate
and I couldn’t be happier to be by his side on our adventure!
So with that said – here’s to new beginnings, fresh foundations, and beautiful countryside… okay, little cheesy… but truly, I am excited about this next season of life with my Taylor Bear!
good for you! glad you guys started a blog.