Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rags to Riches?

Ever since we made the journey East, Penny Lane has developed a new side of herself.  She has revealed her own voice, grown a true independence, become a cuddle bug and with no doubt gained an audience of lovers.

Her vocal expressions to go outside are more persistent than ever. Before moving to Greensboro, Taylor and I could count on one hand how many times Penny whined to go outside. Now, whenever  Pen gets the chance she sits by the door, gives us the "puppy face" and announces her feelings.  

Aside from Pen's expressiveness, her self-determination is the most obvious.  She no longer follows our every step; Pen doesn’t mind sleeping in the other room or care when we walk outside without her… she just does her own thing.

Despite her newly gained confidence to be "Penny" she has developed a more responsive side. She listens so well and follows our commands fairly quick. She did this before but now it is unmistakable Pen is our pup. If either one of us sit by the fire or lay on the floor to watch a movie, she can’t stand to be away. She comes close and cuddles with us... often overtaking our blankets.

She is our sweet girl, but not for too long. I hear she’s pretty popular, I mean, pretty spoiled at work...

(Chewing on a cow ear by Taylor's desk)

She got the privilege of “working out” with the president of the company:

She’s made new friends and followers:

(not sure if the video works)

Pen gets her hair bushed everyday, nice big cow ears to chew on, and special benefits like going to the bank with the accountant...

The list is endless and will continue to grow. Needless to say, I think of all three of us, Debutante Penny is adjusting best to North Carolina. 

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